Case Study

Delivering a magical customer experience for a new theme park app.

The Challenge

Improving the park going experience with a little mobile magic.

A leading theme park operator sought to better understand how their newly released app was impacting guest experience during park visits. To optimize their app offering for park visitors and encourage repeat usage, we needed to illuminate the drivers of satisfaction to increase the value of the service. 

Mockups have been edited to preserve confidentiality.

OUR Impact

Product development and positioning strategy that takes guest experience to the next level.  

Our experts spoke with day guests and season pass holders to understand how the app’s features added ease and convenience to their outing, and uncovered opportunity areas to improve user experience even more. Our research helped the theme park operator with product evolution, positioning, and strategy for their app. Most important of all, we were able to help make the guest experience at the brand’s theme parks even more magical than before. 

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